puddle thy thoughts no tongue? Give every man thine ear, save few thy voice? For the appargonl oft proclaims the man? incomplete a borrower nor a lender be? This above all, to thine birth self be true These famous lines of Shakespeares Hamlet are one of the most quoted lines of all Shakespeares work. They ring true for us even today, and are still in our minds. These lines are valuable to the character development of Polonius. To Polonius, his public image is the most weighty thing. By giving Laertes the guidance and wise words, he appears to be a loving, caring father, who looks out for his children. But in reality, however, Polonius is honourable working for his own interests ? he wants to control his public image.

By saying these things to Laertes, he is trying to control Laertes, who, being his son, affects his image. Furthermore, in Act two, Polonius sends Reynaldo, a spy, to gather information about Laertes. This is some other image of Polonius trying to control his son. Is this the right evidence for you? Watch the video below to read 2 more pages now. or If you want to get a full essay, golf-club it on our website:
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