Ahab, captain of the heavyweight ship Pequod in Herman Melvilles Moby dick is a perfect fount of delirium within a novel. His irrational thinking adds a bit of chaos and thingmabob to the novel. Ahabs psychological fault has the potential to set break down characters into a crash-course to disaster. Ahabs insanity comes from his obsessive longing for revenge, which has him mindlessly leading his ships crew to their deaths. Ahab starts gimmick second up as a kabbalistic figure which no one sees a lot, besides makes his motives very clear when he does come out into the open. Captain Ahabs single purpose through the entire reputation is simple: find and efface the white whale Moby Dick. Even after being industrious to hunt whales for oil, he goes out of his way to offer a doubloon to whateverone who just sight Moby Dick. No matter what Ishmael negotiation about in the story the reader cant help but think about Ahab. Ahabs entrust for revenge and mysterious imp lications are some of the primary points of vex in the story. intimate that Ahab is not mentally stable, the crew continues to watch his leadership out of respect for him. Ahabs one-track mind makes him turn away any other ship that doesnt put on information on Moby Dick.

Ahab has refused to talk to other ships and has refused to help a ship think for a lost whaling crew because he believed he was compressed to Moby Dick. When Ahabs obsession leads them to the white whale, everyone is killed in the conflict unless Ishmael. This is all the fault of Ahabs hebephrenic fad and lust for revenge. Ahab leading his men into an unwinnable situation against this whale graven image is a perfe ct representation of his insanity. Ahabs fa! tal flaw ends up being fatal for almost everyone on the Pequod. His insane bearing and frame of mind foreshadows his crews needed downfall. Ahabs irrational thinking is a perfect example of how insanity in a novel can renovate a significant role in a storys outcome.If you want to get a full essay, point it on our website:
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