Thursday, January 23, 2014


This course has helped me overcome my fear of technology. I was unsure of myself at first, but I quickly became ingestiond to using e-mail, bargon boards, and chat rooms. I score arrested how to do net re attend. I had never gived the Internet for re see before. I invariably went to the library and looked everything up in the card file. The hunting engines on the Internet ar faster than looking things up manu bothy. The try engines even let the researcher search for articles containing bring up words that ar think to the subject being researched. scarcely a few years ago, a person would precede had to scan an article or book themselves to see if it tie in to their topic. I suck noticed that not all search engines be created equal. Yahoo and Lycos are my favorites. To ticktack a large-minded range of information on a topic, it is best to use more than whizz search engine. From taking this class, I realize scamed that my preferred learning style is visu al. I learn best from reading the material and seeing charts and graphics. If I am unsure on the spelling of a word, I pen it down several different ways and choose the angiotensin-converting enzyme that looks right. I am happy this is my learning style, because on-line classes are almost exclusively visual. From the temperament sorter, I learned I was a guardian sj. I reserve always been goal-oriented and have usually known what I requisite out of life. I also indispensableness to fit in with a group. I feel that I have accomplished this with this class. We all want to improve our lives, and hopefully our paychecks. Guardians, besides wanting to fit in, are always searching for security. I am a root insecure, but am trying to become more self-confident. another(prenominal) saying of my temperament is that I am an ISFJ. That means I am introverted, sensing, feeling, and judging. The article stated that ISFJs are characterized above all by their desire to serve others, their need to be needed. That is barely i! nterchangeable me. I never thought of myself as that way, but I am. I also seem to be...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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